Sunday, 13 June 2010

Thanks to EVERYONE who came!

Thanks to everyone who came to my party! Sorry It had to be transfered to Outback ! Anyway Heres everyone who came

Coolgem50,K E N A N,Dupple!
Sailfish2,Slidoo and C 3PO886(Slidoo&C 3PO886Tried to come but couldnt make it)
Tominey,Kitty2130,Jamie Barron,hfd138,commder fox9,Tom deeney,Dorian1453,icbrownie,seedo124,Turtlesophia and Dreamgirl506!

Thank you sooo Much you all made my First Party a sucess!! Unfortunatley A penguin called ******** tried to make it off as her own But thanks to everyone who stayed with me!! I cant thank you enough!!!


  1. Hey checky checky my name is dere! xD Awesome blog!

  2. Thanks you so much people like you make my Day!

  3. yes i still cant belive she did that


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