Woooo! Guess what! It's Halloween On Club penguin! So, I'm going to show you the Halloween Party Cheats! :)
Now before I show you the Member Cheats and the Candy Hunt; Pick up your free item! The Bat rings headband located in the plaza.
Now We Can go to the Member Cheats! Scroll down after Member cheats Non-members; For the Candy Hunt cheats! :)
So, When you go to The Forest, There should be two paths digged to make a passage way, One should say 'Dark Chamber' While the other should say 'Haunted House' Today were going to go down this path first:
So when You go In there should be a Sort of Piano; What you have to do is Match the colours that come out of the craters with the ones on the piano in the same order :)
So, when you advance there should be a free lantern, Pick it up! Now when you wear it it should provide a small bit of light. BUT You can cheat, if you have bought night vision goggles, wear them! You will be able to see everywere!
So You can copy the route of that, and do it without a light and impress your friends!
Now, We hit the treasure! The Monster Room! Claim your Prize and be a Monster King!
Sweet, Right ? :)
Now you can go into the haunted House :) Spooky! Don't forget to pick up your spooky Ghost free item!

Now Candy Hunt cheats :)
So Click The Pumpkin beside the moderator badge to get started.
The Second Is at The Snow Forts.
The Third Is at The Iceberg.
The fourth is in the Gift shop, This is So Cool I forgot were halfway there!
The Fith is at the pizza parlour.
The sixth is at the ski lodge.
Almost there! The 7th is at the Plaza.
And, Finally, The last but not least is at the Beacon.
So, What do you think of this years halloween Party? I think It's Really cool!
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